Mild Winter- Perfect For Termites
Termites Enjoy our Weather Too Ah, the lovely Texas weather. Central Texas hasn’t had too many cold spells this year, which is great for many of the residents. After all, people flock here from the northern states to live here permanently because of the mild winter...
The Carpenter Ant is Not Your Friend
Spring Is In The Air The spring, specifically March, is the time of year when carpenter ants start to swarm areas inside and outside of the home. They can wreak havoc on a home because of their destructive nature. Unlike termites, the carpenter ant does not eat wood...
Getting Rid of Red Fire Ants
Annoying Fire Ants This time of year you it is very likely you will see several mounds of dirt appearing in your yard. These mounds are evidence your yard has been invaded by fire ants. Active mounds are annoying if one accidentally steps into them. It won’t be long...