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Most people look forward to the beautiful spring seasons we have here in Central Texas. People tend to their gardens more and begin to pay more attention to their lawns. However, one of the most important times of year is late February through mid March. It is this time period combined with the actions you take (or don’t take) that can really makes a difference in whether your lawn will be overgrown with weeds in spring and summer or be a lush green yard.

Getting Rid of Weeds Before They Appear

A preemergent is a preventive herbicide used and activated at the top layer of the soil. When a weed begins to sprout it is prevented from growing because of this top layer. When a seed germinates the young sprout is killed thus, the weed is eradicated permanently. Applying the preemergent is a huge help with the task of keeping weeds under control. Although, you will have some weeds that manage to escape this barrier, there will be very few and they will be easy to manage on case by case basis.

When Are Preemergents Not Good

  • If you are wanting to add new seed to your lawn, you want to make sure the preemergent doesn’t affect the seed. Otherwise, your efforts of applying new seed could be wasted.
  • If you already have weeds showing, a preemergent will not eliminate them.
  • The soil has to remain undisturbed otherwise the barrier is broken.

Because applying a preemergent can be tricky especially if you have a large yard, it may be best to have a professional take care of this service. The preemergent has to be applied evenly and has to be soaked with water within the appropriate time frame.

If you’d like more information on lawn care and how you can rid your yard of weeds before they begin emerging, please contact Greener Texas at (512) 930-0897.
