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Greener Texas vs. Carpenter Ants & Opossum

Carpenter ants and an unwanted opossum unfortunately plagued one of our customer’s homes recently. We understand the seriousness of the situation when we get a call requesting our services for treatment and removal of these pesky creatures. Every customer’s home is as important as the next home. We strive to offer great service with every visit. This is what one customer had to say.

“Just wanted to express my appreciation for the outstanding work that Chance did at our house. He sprayed for the carpenter ants (on the inside of our house and in the attic), he treated the outside of our house for scorpions and he set a trap for a “critter” that was digging on the side of our house. He followed up multiple times to check the trap and hauled away the opossum.

Chance provided the level of service that we grew up on, but that is rare today. He is doing great work as an ambassador for your company. You will get many referrals thanks to his fantastic work!!!!”

If you are experiencing problems with ants, scorpions, roaches or annoying raccoons, bats or opossums, please give us a call so we can help 512-930-0897.
